10 Optimizer - Terms of Use

  • Here are outlined the terms to use 10 Optimizer's website and the software published through this website by Developer Tribe (Pvt) Ltd. If you are accessing this World Wide Website, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions stated here and to all the rules and applicable intellectual copyrights and local applicable laws. If you do not agree to these terms you are restricted to use the website and the materials provided by this website.
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    To download material/downloadable software from 10Optimizer.com you must:

    •  not distribute the software to other people online and/or physically from computer to computer
    •  not alter the material
    •  not change the code of the software
    •  not sell the software
    •  not remove copyrighted text from the software

    Note: We do not public the information you provide us under any circumstances. However, the email address will only be used to further communicate with you.

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    10Optimizer.com - does not provide any guarantees, be hidden or explicitly stated. 10Optimizer.com is a product based website which provides a downloadable software. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the help section. These are general computer maintenance tips and you will be solely responsible if you take any action on your PC. You can download the software product for computer maintenance but this product usage on your part does not make us responsible for any damages or errors.